Tour 2014- Monday, August 18

 Our day started somewhat late-ish this morning, as we arrived back so late last night from
very close to the Ukranian border, the location of our last two programs. After arriving so
late, we went to bed with not much more than a goodnight.
It was announced that brunch would be at 9:30 this morning, a little later because of the
late night. A good number of us took advantage of that and slept as late as we could. As
Breakfast/Brunch progressed, more and more people traipsed in, just a bit late but still in
enough time to eat.
After brunch, we divided into two groups for work projects. The group I was in went to
the school in Minsk to clean. The other group stayed here around Gustav’s, where we are
staying, to clean and do a few other outdoor tasks as well. We had just enough workers to
go around.
The train station is about a twenty-five minute walk from here, so at about 10:40 am, the
group I was in met out front to leave in order to catch the 11:20 train in plenty of time.
The only problem was, there was a complication of one sort or another that prevented us
from getting our tickets on time, so we waited an hour and caught the 12:20 train. During
our wait time we smashed a few coins on the train tracks using some of the high-speed
passenger and freight trains that passed us by at a rapid pace. The loud train-whistle and
speed was enough to make you jump.
We finally arrived at the school and began cleaning. The guys started with the area rugs,
beating them clean and then scrubbing them further clean. The girls and the rest of the
guys began cleaning the walls, floors and other things in the school. My job was catching
spider webs from the corners with a damp cloth draped over a broom head.
When the work was about done, a few of us headed out to pick up Kebabs for lunch.
They cost thirteen zlotes, about four dollars. After all the work was finished, we met at
the staff house in Minsk to have lunch.
We then headed off to finish up a few things at the school (put the carpets back into the
school), caught the ice cream shop or went shopping, and then met back at the train
station to catch our final train. There was a unique little park at the train station where we
jounced around until the rest of the group arrived.
Supper was ready shortly after the twenty-five minute walk from the train station.
Suppers here are usually pretty good. Tonight it was (I believe) tomato soup with
noodles, accompanied by Bigos and the usual cooked potatoes. Bigos is a popular Polish
dish, consisting primarily of cooked cabbage and cut sausage.
Our day finalized itself as we met together after supper to discuss and share about tour.
We talked about the connections we made with the people over here, as well as our
highlights and experiences on tour. As we shared and sang a few of our songs, we experienced one final time of bonding before it was time to say good-bye.
Now it is time to spend one more night here, and leave for home in the morning. That is,
all but those who’ve extended their ticket for some extra travel time.
And that is the end of our update for today. Thanks for reading!
by Joel Weaver

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