Tour 2014- Thursday, August 7

Today’s update is brought to you by Carita Keim (Millersburg, Ohio). Today is “Sag Day”, Lloyd’s words. It definitely was sagging, whether it was people sleeping in later, or laundry, laundry sagging on tree limbs, clothes lines, chairs, and fences.

But it was a good day, like a Sunday for a choir who gives two programs on the real Sunday, even if it is a Sunday replete with a lawn game named Kan-Jam (played with Frisbees), volleyball, and the aforementioned laundry. Even laundry feels a bit recreational compared to what we have been doing.

Kan-Jam! Friends and family will be proud to know that Eric and Austin were the winners of a serious tournament!

But what was the heart of the day, the best thing? I don’t think it was Kan-Jam, despite how pleasant that is.

After lunch, I walked outside to see two men using the buddy system to wring out t-shirts beside two big tubs of soapy water and rinse water. It was interesting to see different personalities coming through, with some conscientiously wringing every spare droplet and others generously allowing their excess to water the inconsistent grass. There were laundry cowboys, swinging towels like lariats, and laundry bodybuilders, wringing.

All that laundry, some of it done alone, much of it done together, seems so appropriate to our group as a choir. Again, we’re attempting to clean, to make the world a bit better by working together, sometimes alone, all in our own style, all toward the same goal.


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