Day 15 – Tuesday, August 2

“I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress” 

Our main attraction of this day was Malbork Castle. It is situated along the Nogat River and is the largest brick castle in the world! This castle, occupying 52 acres, was built by medieval Tutonic knights. It also has been occupied by numerous Polish kings.

This verse from Psalm 91 was in my reading this morning. Later, as I stood gazing at the incredible Malbork fortress, I was struck with the parallel. 
Upon arrival, we were each given an audio guide and head phones with freedom to roam and explore the vast expanse at our leisure. After the allotted 3 hours that our time frame allowed, there were still so many floors & corridors undiscovered, songs left unsung in that beautiful cathedral, photos not taken, and a history yet to be told. I think – how much more yet undiscovered with my God, the mightiest Fortress!

From the castle we drove several hours to a cultural center in Kartuzy where a small baptist congregation hosted us. Our host greeted us with the words “We’ve been waiting for your return for 4 years.” They are a small but growing outreach church in an area where there was previously no evangelical presence. A highlight for me this tour has been to witness God’s kingdom being advanced by faithful followers here. The opportunity to encourage and bless the Christians here results in blessing and encouragement in my own heart. 

The concert was well attended and seemed to be much appreciated. We were reminded beforehand that this is not “just another program” but “the program” for these people and to give of ourselves with excellence & humility. 

Although it had been a long day, the 2 hour drive back to our lodging flew by as we enjoyed stimulating conversation, energetic games, or snagged some rest. 

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